We are a community of faith . . . Our church has a welcoming and wonderful spirit . . . People make you feel welcome . . . This is a place of refuge and support . . . We are a family . . . We have dedicated members . . . A place to go where we feel God talking to us . . . Being here is like a life-long friend . . . There is a sense of community and family . . . This is where I am supposed to be . . . Feels like home . . . Wonderful people reaching out to others motivate my beliefs . . . I receive encouragement and support from long-term members . . . We get to share faith . . . Our faith community revitalizes my faith when I am going through rough times . . . I get a lot of comfort and help here to overcome difficulties . . . wonderful music . . . wonderful choir . . . Tracy's sermons . . . Taize service . . . .adult education . . . Christmas caroling . . . university students . . . passing of the peace . . . our diversity . . . It is a second family.