Sunday morning service is at 10:30.
Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.
University Church is mask optional in worship and fellowship activities.
For those who wish to participate from home, the 10:30 Sunday morning service is live-streamed on our YouTube Channel
View Sunday Worship Bulletins below.
Weekly sermons may also be seen on the Preaching and Education page.
Our Sunday morning service is marked by a warm and engaging atmosphere. Both the pipe organ and the piano are used to accompany the chancel choir or soloists, as well as congregational singing. Music includes hymns and songs from across the history of the Church, from ancient times through the twenty-first century, including music from around the globe that reflects the diversity of the Christian church and of our own church family. An opportunity is given for worshippers to share joys and concerns for the pastor to include in the pastoral prayer.